Sunday, February 23, 2014


I think we have all had days when we just don't feel like doing....whatever it is we are supposed to be doing. I had been feeling like I was at a dead end. But guess what!?

I found other people whom have researched the topic I am trying to Blog about with you here. :D
It turns out there is even a term for it; METAHISTORY. Which according to author Hayden White is:

'a new perspective on the current debate over the nature and function of historical knowledge.'
That definition doesn't quit explain it well enough but it is helpful for me as I research to know part of the path is paved for me to explore. Another way of putting it:
'The basic assumption of metahistory states a self-evident truth: all beliefs held by human beings are encoded in stories.' ~ Copyright 2002 - 2014 by John Lash.

This is what I seek to explore; The stories society tells itself and the relationship we as a society have with those stories.

I noticed this phenomenon at an early age and like NEO in the matrix, I have been trying to find a way to show people they have a choice. By being aware of the stories and the lesson they teach or the beliefs they support you can choose to allow those stories into your beliefs and behaviors or not. 
"When people are engaged in communication they have in their minds certain social
scripts which they internalize through day-to-day interaction with other people, and
which influence their presupposition, and hence their way of communication."Hongdang Meng, Yancheng Institute of Technology 2008
So if you know the culture you grew up in is not the only perspective you can explore new perspectives and ways of doing things. You can also be less attached to weather other people think or behave like you. THIS is the social evolution that will lead to peace! When we learn to understand each other and are able to be 'cool' with the differences.