Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Acknowledged Unjustified Pet peeve

Spelling out acronyms! Since when is Master of Ceremonies spelled Emcee! It is MC for a reason. The letters represent a word. But now we are spelling out the sound of the letters that represent the word. Huh?

Ironically,as much as it annoys me, I realize this is not a new thing. Language has been evolving like this ever since the written word has existed.

We are an ever changing people and at the end of the day, spelling is relative. I know there are alot of english majors out there that would argue with me.  But the point of any means of communication is to convey a message. There is no way to perfectly transmit the exact message because there are too many variables that can lead to misunderstanding. More than can be controlled. We can come close as long as we adjust the language style to our target audience.

So instead of focusing on getting the message out, focus on how the message is coming in and adjust  to convey closest to the idea you are trying to send.

That being said, are acronyms and the subsequent 'new' words that have been invented because of them such a bad thing?
Well, only if it prevents understanding.

I guess I'll deal with it....
or I could blame it on

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