Tuesday, January 19, 2016


You say 'white guilt' like its a bad thing. 
Don't you know the purpose of guilt is to tell you something is wrong?!
It doesn't matter that I didn't start the fire, as a responsible human being I still want to put it out so people don't get hurt. 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

May I intro duce, Blog # 2

Soon there will be a A New KIND  of blog I will be working on. Every month a new historically significant person of interest will be featured.

Calluna's Corner is about story telling, real and imaginary. A New KIND  will be about actual real life people.

People who embody A New Kindness, people who have championed for human dignity, liberation, and compassion.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Throwback blog


I had started this blog with the intention of creating informative space for people to learn about tattooing, tattoo culture, and tattoo safety. 
I stumbled upon this page actually in the process of doing some research and I was like 'hey wait a minute I wrote that'
So this certain little blog is a part of my story I no longer have that email address and so I can't access it to pick it up again but tattooing has certainly been a subject of fascination and interest for a long time I've done several projects focusing on tattooing. I've  done research proposals on tattooing subjects as well as being tattooed myself. 
An excellent book to check out is called 'Bodies of inscription' it gives a historical look culturally and sociologically about tattooing. It's a very good read for anyone who's interested in the subject. 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

For the love of change

Life is about change. Sometimes it's exciting, sometimes scary, but it happens, with dread or enthusiasm. 

The signing 'meh' of forlorn ambition. Go with it. Resist it. Aim for it. It'll happen anyway. 
Do not neglect your ability to direct the change!

We are all running out of time. 


The public discourse allows for many different voices, and my story may not be very different from others.
 But my experience is unique on unto itself. The specific intersections of faith and health and gender and race and desire are specific unto me.
I know that there are thousands of other women who look so similar to me that you may call me by their names.
But I also know that every single one of them has a unique a story to tell.


Don't presume I will be like others who look like me.

It is my deepest desire that all of humanity would one day come together as one big family.
To cherish all people. Encourage one another, look out for one another, go!
Live as a community, now!
Reject ideas that separate us, Do!

Love your neighbors! 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Why time out?

Time out vs. spanking may be a debate for child rearing techniques, but is also a metaphorical approach to self care. 
 When one punishes them self for wrongdoing, messing up, or any other failure, real or imaginary, they inflict emotion pain on them self. That pain can motivate one to not screw up again but it can also prevent someone from exploring other solutions if they continual obsess over the failure and do not learn to let it go. In order for you to let go of  mental punishment you must spend time reflecting on what happened and imagine how it could be better. This is time out. Then from there you can make a plan how to do it differently and more successfully next time. 

How you can tell if you are punishing yourself or reflecting? 
Would you say it to someone you care about? 

There is a time and place for both, in self care and child rearing. Be patient with yourself and allow yourself to learn at your own pace. Remember, this is a journey, not a race to the finish line. It will come soon enough.