Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A hero by any other name

Does it really matter? The most recent marketing ploy to draw more audience members ( namely female ) into the marvel hero's fandom has caused quite the buzz, for good and ill. But does it even matter?
 Who cares if Thor is a female or male, the character is the same. There are other stories in the history of story when characters have been gender irrelevant. 
Meaning, you can tell the same story weather the character is either gender because the essence of who they are is not wrapped up in their reproductive organs.
 The effort is a clear marketing ploy because the response is coming at a time when strong women are the hottest thing at the box office. 
 Now people are opposed because the felmale Thor has too perfect and unrealistic of a body, and others are mad that they made her female at all "the downfall of society" ect.

I personally feel for them to be successful in this the writers will need to keep the values and character in tact and not make the story about what she does with her organs. 
That is the essence of good story telling, true character, not gender stereotypes. 
Weather they are successful in delivering this, we will have to wait and see.

Friday, July 11, 2014


I'm actually kinda embarrassed that I only recently learned this word.  

griot[ gree-ohgree-oh, gree-ot ]
1. a member of a hereditary caste among the peoples of western Africa whose function is to keep an oral history of the tribe or village and to entertain with stories, poems, songs, dances, etc.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Organized chaos

Or perhaps I should rather say disciplined creativity. 
One of the most important things you can do as a storyteller is to discipline yourself to keep telling stories and also to listen to stories. Stay open to exploring and learning new things.
It has been said that if you want to learn how to write, then write.
If you want to learn how to do something then do it and through practice and disciplining yourself to continue to develop that skill means doing the thing that it is that you want to get better at.
I have to laugh at myself sometimes because I have this blog and as of yet I have no followers but I'm not doing it to have followers, this blog is about me disciplining myself to keep up a blog.
As I develop my skills as a story teller & blogging about story telling it brings a focus to how I engage with the world around me. I am cognasant of messages, searching for their cultural origins, and peeling back layers in order to learn how to apply those symbols for the specified meaning. This is the aim of communication, clearity, this requires practice.
So while the world may bombard you with a plethora of messages, most of which conflicting, you may cut through the red tape jargon and know the true meaning.